
常见Frameworks:(以iOS 4.0 (8A293)为例)

Frameworks 包名 (内部函数的)前缀 描述
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Accelerate.framework com.apple.Accelerate cblas, vDSP Vector and Matrix math, digital signal processing, large number handling, and image processing
AddressBook.framework com.apple.AddressBook AB Provides access to the Address Book database
AddressBookUI.framework com.apple.AddressBookUI
AssetsLibrary.framework com.yourcompany.AssetsLibrary AL Used to access pictures and videos managed by the Photos application
AudioToolbox.framework com.apple.audio.toolbox.AudioToolbox AU, Audio Provides interfaces for recording, playback, stream parsing, and managing audio sessions. Part of CoreAudio
AudioUnit.framework com.apple.audio.units.AudioUnit AU, Audio Interfaces for the loading of audio units and their use
AVFoundation.framework com.apple.avfoundation AV Used for playing and recording audio and video
CFNetwork.framework com.apple.CFNetwork CF Interfaces for high-performance networking
CoreAudio.framework com.apple.audio.CoreAudio Audio Declares constants and data-types used by other interfaces in CoreAudio
CoreData.framework com.apple.CoreData NS Interfaces for application data model manipulation
CoreFoundation.framework com.apple.CoreFoundation CF Basic data management and services
CoreGraphics.framework CG APIs to interface with the Quartz engine, allows 2D rendering, etc
CoreLocation.framework com.apple.corelocation CL Interfaces for determining location
CoreMedia.framework com.apple.CoreMedia CM Low-level routines for manipulating audio and video
CoreMotion.framework com.apple.coremotion CM Interfaces for accessing accelerometer and gyrometric data
CorePDF.framework com.apple.CorePDF
CoreTelephony.framework com.apple.coretelephony CT Allows access to Carrier information and information pertaining to a current call
CoreText.framework com.apple.CoreText CT Text layout and rendering engine
CoreVideo.framework com.apple.CoreVideo CV Low-level routines for manipulating audio and video - Apple advises not to use this framework directly, and although public doesn't document much of it
EventKit.framework com.apple.eventkit EK Interfaces for accessing Calendar event data. This is a replacement for the older Calendar.framework
EventKitUI.framework com.apple.eventkitui
ExternalAccessory.framework com.apple.ExternalAccessory EA Interfaces for communication with attached external accessories via 30-pin dock or Bluetooth. Lightning is not yet mentioned by Apple in documentation
Foundation.framework com.apple.Foundation NS Objective-C wrappers to features found in CoreFoundation with extra features and functionality not covered by Objective-C
GameKit.framework com.apple.GameKit GK Manages P2P connectivity. With iOS 4.1 and later, GameKit can be used with Game Center (an extension to the framework) to create social games
iAd.framework com.apple.iAd AD
IOKit.framework Low-level framework for communicating with the kernel and hardware. Apple advises not to use this framework directly and will reject it from the App Store
ImageIO.framework com.apple.ImageIO.framework CG Input and output for images. Part of CoreGraphics
MapKit.framework com.apple.MapKit MK Classes for embedding Map graphical interfaces. Before iOS 5.1, Google Mobile Maps was used to provide map data; afterwards, Apple provided the map data.
MediaPlayer.framework com.apple.MediaPlayer MP Provides facilities to play audio, and video. Also allows access to the iPod or Music library.
MessageUI.framework com.apple.messageui MF Interfaces for SMS and Mail compose view controllers without leaving the application.
MobileCoreServices.framework com.apple.MobileCoreServices UT Defines UTIs supported by the system
OpenAL.framework com.apple.audio.OpenAL AL Interface for the cross-platform audio library
OpenGLES.framework com.apple.opengles EAGL, GL Interface for the OpenGL ES library
QuartzCore.framework com.apple.QuartzCore CA Contains the CoreAnimation interfaces
QuickLook.framework com.apple.QuickLook QL interfaces for previewing files of unknown formats
Security.framework com.apple.Security CSSM, Sec Interfaces for managing keys, trust policies, and certificates
StoreKit.framework com.apple.StoreKit SK Interfaces for handling in-app purchase transactions
SystemConfiguration.framework com.apple.SystemConfiguration SC Interfaces for determining network availability
UIKit.framework com.apple.UIKit UI Classes for iOS UI elements and for the user interface layer of applications

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