liquidation = 清算
- 说明
- 清算通知合约允许任何外部行为者以折扣价购买部分抵押品。如果发生清算事件,最多可以清算50%的贷款,这将使健康系数恢复到1以上。
- 清算逻辑
- 清算流程图
- 逻辑
- 对于资不抵债需要清算的抵押资产,用户可以通过调用liquidationCall来进行资产清算,也就是购买清算资产,同时也会得到一些奖励。具体的逻辑是在liquidationManager中,详见liquidationManager小节
/** * @dev users can invoke this function to liquidate an undercollateralized position. * @param _collateral the address of the collateral to liquidated * @param _reserve the address of the principal reserve * @param _user the address of the borrower * @param _purchaseAmount the amount of principal that the liquidator wants to repay * @param _receiveAToken true if the liquidators wants to receive the aTokens, false if * he wants to receive the underlying asset directly **/ function liquidationCall( address _collateral, address _reserve, address _user, uint256 _purchaseAmount, bool _receiveAToken ) external payable nonReentrant onlyActiveReserve(_reserve) onlyActiveReserve(_collateral) { address liquidationManager = addressesProvider.getLendingPoolLiquidationManager(); //solium-disable-next-line (bool success, bytes memory result) = liquidationManager.delegatecall( abi.encodeWithSignature( "liquidationCall(address,address,address,uint256,bool)", _collateral, _reserve, _user, _purchaseAmount, _receiveAToken ) ); require(success, "Liquidation call failed"); (uint256 returnCode, string memory returnMessage) = abi.decode(result, (uint256, string)); if (returnCode != 0) { //error found revert(string(abi.encodePacked("Liquidation failed: ", returnMessage))); } }
- 说明