- ELF文件类型
Relocatable File
- an object file that holds code and data suitable for linking with other object files to create an executable or a shared object file. In other word, you can say that relocatable file is a foundation for creating executables and libraries
- 常见后缀
- object file=
文件- 举例
gcc -c test.c
- 生成:
- 生成:
- 举例
- Kernel module =
- object file=
Executable File
- object file that holds a program suitable for execution
- 常见后缀:无后缀
- 二进制文件
gcc -o test test.c
- 生成(无后缀的):
- 生成(无后缀的):
- 二进制文件
Shared Object File
=SO文件=Shared object
==DYNamic link library
- A shared object file holds code and data suitable for linking in two contexts
- the link editor may process it with other relocatable and shared object files to create another object file
- the dynamic linker combines it with an executable file and other shared objects to create a process image
- 常见后缀
- A shared object file holds code and data suitable for linking in two contexts
- 举例1
查看header,确定一个文件的类型到底是什么:Relocatable file
/Executable file
/Shared object file
$ readelf -h /bin/ls
Type: EXEC (Executable file)
$ readelf -h /usr/lib/crt1.o
Type: REL (Relocatable file)
$ readelf-h /lib/libc-2.3.2.so
Type: DYN (Shared object file)
- 举例2
➜ arm64-v8a readelf -h libtacker.so
ELF Header:
Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Class: ELF64
Type: DYN (Shared object file)
- ARM64架构的
Shared Object File
=Dynamic Library