man page
dyldinfo(1) BSD General Commands Manual dyldinfo(1)
dyldinfo -- Displays information used by dyld in an executable
dyldinfo [-arch arch-name] [-rebase] [-bind] [-weak_bind] [-lazy_bind] [-export] [-opcodes] file(s)
Executables built for Mac OS X 10.6 and later have a new format for the information in the __LINKEDIT segment. The dyldinfo tool will dis-
play that information.
The options are as follows:
-arch arch
Only display the specified architecture. Other architectures in a universal image are ignored.
Display the table of rebasing information. Rebasing is what dyld does when an image is not loaded at its preferred address. Typi-
cally, this involves updating pointers in the __DATA segment which are point within the image.
-bind Display the table of binding information. These are the symbolic fix ups that dyld must do when an image is loaded.
Display the table of weak binding information. Typically, only C++ progams will have any weak binding. These are symbols which dyld
must unique accross all images.
Display the table of lazy binding information. These are symbols which dyld delays binding until they are first used. Lazy binding
is automatically used for all function calls to functions in some external dylib.
Display the table symbols which this image exports.
Display the low level opcodes used to encode all rebase and binding information.
otool(1) nm(1)
Darwin November 20, 2008 Darwin
➜ ~ ll /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 497K 9 3 05:16 dyldinfo
➜ nm --help
--add-dyldinfo - Add symbols from the dyldinfo not already in the symbol table, Mach-O only
--dyldinfo-only - Show only symbols from the dyldinfo, Mach-O only
--no-dyldinfo - Don't add any symbols from the dyldinfo, Mach-O only