- 【未解决】iOS越狱检测:检测是否有越狱相关进程
- (IBAction)processCheckBtnClicked:(UIButton *)sender {
_curBtnLbl.text = sender.titleLabel.text;
NSLog(@"process check");
NSString* resultStr = @"TODO";
NSArray *processes = [CrifanLibiOS runningProcesses];
NSLog(@"processes=%@", processes);
if (NULL == processes) {
resultStr = @"此检测手段已失效:sysctl(CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_ALL)";
// proc_listpids(type, typeinfo, buffer, buffersize)
// type = PROC_ALL_PIDS, typeinfo = 0 (use proc_listallpids)
// type = PROC_PGRP_ONLY, typeinfo = process group id (use proc_listpgrppids)
// type = PROC_TTY_ONLY, typeinfo = tty
// type = PROC_UID_ONLY, typeinfo = uid
// type = PROC_RUID_ONLY, typeinfo = ruid
// type = PROC_PPID_ONLY, typeinfo = ppid (use proc_listchildpids)
// Call with buffer = NULL to return number of pids.
// int numberOfProcesses = proc_listpids(PROC_ALL_PIDS, 0, NULL, 0);
// NSLog(@"numberOfProcesses=%d", numberOfProcesses);
NSLog(@"resultStr=%@", resultStr);
_detectResultTv.text = resultStr;