
➜  ~ objection --help
Checking for a newer version of objection...
Usage: objection [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

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       Runtime Mobile Exploration
          by: @leonjza from @sensepost

  By default, communications will happen over USB, unless the --network option
  is provided.

  -N, --network            Connect using a network connection instead of USB.
  -h, --host TEXT          [default:]
  -p, --port INTEGER       [default: 27042]
  -ah, --api-host TEXT     [default:]
  -ap, --api-port INTEGER  [default: 8888]
  -g, --gadget TEXT        Name of the Frida Gadget/Process to connect to.
                           [default: Gadget]
  -S, --serial TEXT        A device serial to connect to.
  -d, --debug              Enable debug mode with verbose output. (Includes
                           agent source map in stack traces)
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

  api          Start the objection API server in headless mode.
  device-type  Get information about an attached device.
  explore      Start the objection exploration REPL.
  patchapk     Patch an APK with the frida-gadget.so.
  patchipa     Patch an IPA with the FridaGadget dylib.
  run          Run a single objection command.
  signapk      Zipalign and sign an APK with the objection key.
  version      Prints the current version and exists.

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    No results matching ""