Process terminated

关于Process terminated=进程结束=崩溃退出,目前遇到多种现象和可能原因:


  • 现象一:用frida-trace去hook太多的类Obj的函数
    frida-trace -U -F -m "*[AA* *]" -m "*[AK* *]" -m "*[AS* *]" -m "*[NS* *]" -M "-[ASDBundle copyWithZone:]" -M "-[ASDInstallationEvent copyWithZone:]"
    • 导致崩溃退出报错:Process terminated
      • frida_trace_add_ns
  • 原因:frida-trace去hook的函数太多了,估计是,加了-m "*[NS* *]"后导致崩溃
    • 注:iOS的ObjC的内部的多数,甚至是大多数,都是NS开头的,导致匹配到太多的类和函数,系统处理不过来了,导致frida崩溃,同时导致被调试的app崩溃。
      • 注:NS=NextStep,是iOS系统前身的苹果收购的NextStep公司名字
    • 解决办法:减少hook的范围=缩小匹配范围,比如此处改为:-m "*[NSXPC* *]",暂时只关注我们要调试的NSXPCConnection的相关内容,基本上可以:避免崩溃

frida的new ObjC.Object方面的bug

  • 现象:
    • 概述frida调试时,由于加了new ObjC.Object(someArg)ptr转换成ObjC的对象,结果就会时不时的遇到Process terminated,而崩溃停止退出调试
    • 详解=具体现象


function hook_class_method(class_name, method_name)
    var hook = ObjC.classes[class_name][method_name];
    Interceptor.attach(hook.implementation, {
        onEnter: function(args) {
            console.log("=========== [*] Detected call to: " + class_name + " -> " + method_name);
            const argId = args[0];
            // console.log("argId: ", argId);

            const argSel = args[1];
            // console.log("argSel: ", argSel);

            const argSelStr = ObjC.selectorAsString(argSel);
            console.log("argSelStr: ", argSelStr);

            const argCount = occurrences(argSelStr, ":");
            console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

            for (let curArgIdx = 0; curArgIdx < argCount; curArgIdx++) {
                const curArg = args[curArgIdx + 2];
                // console.log("[%d] curArg: ", curArgIdx, curArg);
                // console.log("[%d]=", curArgIdx, " ,curArg=", curArg);
                // console.log("[%d]=" + curArgIdx + " ,curArg=" + curArg);
                console.log("---------- [" + curArgIdx + "] curArg=" + curArg);
                if (curArg && (curArg != 0x0)) {
                    console.log("curArg className: ", curArg.$className);
                    const curArgObj = new ObjC.Object(curArg);
                    console.log("curArgObj: ", curArgObj);
                    console.log("curArgObj className: ", curArgObj.$className);


✘ crifan@licrifandeMacBook-Pro  ~/dev/dev_root/iosReverse/AppleStore/Preferences_app/dynamicDebug/frida  frida -U -l hookAccountLogin_NSURL.js -F
    / _  |   Frida 16.0.10 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
   | (_| |
    > _  |   Commands:
   /_/ |_|       help      -> Displays the help system
   . . . .       object?   -> Display information about 'object'
   . . . .       exit/quit -> Exit
   . . . .
   . . . .   More info at
   . . . .
   . . . .   Connected to iPhone (id=abdc0dd961c3cb96f5c4afe109de4eb48b88433a)
[*] Started: Hook all methods of a specific class
[+] Class Name: NSURL
    [*] Omit hooking  + allocWithZone:
    [*] Omit hooking  - _cfTypeID
    [*] Omit hooking  - retain
    [*] Omit hooking  - release
    [*] Omit hooking  - copyWithZone:
[*] Completed: Hook all methods of a specific class
[iPhone::设置 ]-> =========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> - scheme
argSelStr:  scheme
argCount:  0
=========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> - _cfurl
argSelStr:  _cfurl
argCount:  0
=========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> - scheme
argSelStr:  scheme
argCount:  0
=========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> - _cfurl
argSelStr:  _cfurl
argCount:  0
=========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> + fileURLWithPath:isDirectory:
argSelStr:  fileURLWithPath:isDirectory:
argCount:  2
---------- [0] curArg=0x282336580
curArg className:  undefined
curArgObj:  /var/mobile/Library/Caches/
curArgObj className:  NSPathStore2
---------- [1] curArg=0x0
=========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> - initFileURLWithPath:isDirectory:
argSelStr:  initFileURLWithPath:isDirectory:
argCount:  2
---------- [0] curArg=0x282336580
curArg className:  undefined
curArgObj:  /var/mobile/Library/Caches/
curArgObj className:  NSPathStore2
---------- [1] curArg=0x0
=========== [*] Detected call to: NSURL -> - setResourceValues:error:
argSelStr:  setResourceValues:error:
argCount:  2
Process terminated
[iPhone::设置 ]->

Thank you for using Frida!


  • 原因:暂不完全清楚
    • 可能原因:fridaObjCObjcect转换方面的bug,暂时无法解决
      • 详见:
        • 【未解决】frida中hook函数打印参数值时最后app崩溃frida输出Process terminated
        • 【未解决】frida中hook调试iOS的ObjC的函数参数时始终出现崩溃Process terminated

results matching ""

    No results matching ""