
Frida去hook调试ObjC函数:-[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:]

  • 背景


-[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:]







  • 适用场景:确定要hook的类和函数是:能找到的=是存在的 -》代码才能正确hook,否则会报错找不到

    • 写法:直接把类名函数名放到ObjC.classes的后面
    • 代码

      const curMethod = ObjC.classes.NSXPCConnection["- setExportedObject:"];
      // console.log("curMethod: ", curMethod);
      // const iOSObjCallStr = "-[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:]";
            Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
              onEnter: function(args) {
                // console.log("==================== " + iOSObjCallStr + " ====================");
                console.log("argSelf=" + args[0] + ", argSel=" + args[1] + ", realArg1=" + args[2]);
  • 适用场景:要hook的类和函数,不确定是否存在,所以加上判断

    • 写法:传入类名函数名,先去查找在不在,找到后,才hook
    • 代码

      // https://github.com/noobpk/frida-ios-hook/blob/master/frida-ios-hook/frida-scripts/hook-specific-method-of-class.js
      function hook_specific_method_of_class(className, funcName)
        // console.log("className=" + className + ", funcName=" + funcName)
        var curClass = ObjC.classes[className];
        if (typeof(curClass) !== 'undefined') {
          var curMethod = curClass[funcName];
          if (typeof(curMethod) !== 'undefined') {
            Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
              onEnter: function(args) {
                console.log("argSelf=" + args[0] + ", argSel=" + args[1] + ", realArg1=" + args[2]);
            console.log("Can't find method", funcName);
          console.log("Can't find class: ", className);
      //Your class name  and function name here
      hook_specific_method_of_class("NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:")


➜  scripts frida -U -n akd -l hook_NSXPCConnection_setExportedObject.js
    / _  |   Frida 16.0.19 - A world-class dynamic instrumentation toolkit
   | (_| |
    > _  |   Commands:
   /_/ |_|       help      -> Displays the help system
   . . . .       object?   -> Display information about 'object'
   . . . .       exit/quit -> Exit
   . . . .
   . . . .   More info at https://frida.re/docs/home/
   . . . .
   . . . .   Connected to iPhone (id=abdc0dd961c3cb96f5c4afe109de4eb48b88433a)

[iPhone::akd ]-> %resume


==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf=0x102725ce0, argSel=0x19b362b44, realArg1=0x102926640
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf=0x102928300, argSel=0x19b362b44, realArg1=0x1029211b0
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf=0x102725ce0, argSel=0x19b362b44, realArg1=0x0
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf=0x102a21570, argSel=0x19b362b44, realArg1=0x0



  • 把常见参数转换成ObjC的Object
  • 把ObjC的SEL转换成String
  • 等等


function hook_specific_method_of_class(className, funcName)
  var iOSObjCallStr = "className=" + className + ", funcName=" + funcName
  console.log("iOSObjCallStr=", iOSObjCallStr)
  var curClass = ObjC.classes[className];
  if (typeof(curClass) !== 'undefined') {
    var curMethod = curClass[funcName];
    if (typeof(curMethod) !== 'undefined') {

      Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
        onEnter: function(args) {
          console.log("==================== " + iOSObjCallStr + " ====================");
          // args[0] is self = id
          const argSelf = args[0];
          console.log("argSelf: ", argSelf);
          const argSelfObj = new ObjC.Object(argSelf);
          console.log("argSelfObj: ", argSelfObj);
          const argSelfClassName = argSelfObj.$className;
          console.log("argSelfClassName: ", argSelfClassName);

          // args[1] is selector
          const argSel = args[1];
          console.log("argSel: ", argSel);
          const argSelStr = ObjC.selectorAsString(argSel);
          console.log("argSelStr: ", argSelStr);

            // args[2] holds the first function argument
            const args2 = args[2];
            console.log("args2: ", args2);
            if (args2 != 0x0) {
              const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(args2);
              // const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(ptr(args2));
              console.log("args2Obj: ", args2Obj);
              const args2ObjClassName = args2Obj.$className;
              console.log("args2ObjClassName: ", args2ObjClassName);
              const args2ObjStr = args2Obj.toString();
              console.log("args2ObjStr: ", args2ObjStr);
      console.log("Can't find method", funcName);
    console.log("Can't find class: ", className);

//Your class name  and function name here
hook_specific_method_of_class("NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:")



  • toiOSObjcCall

    • 作用举例
      • 输入:["NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:"]
      • 输出:"-[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:]"
  • 目的:实现优化日志打印

    • 输出的ObjC的类和函数名 -》 方便调试和查看具体调用了哪个ObjC的类和函数


// convert from frida function call to ObjC function call
// "NSURL", "- initWithString:" => "-[NSURL initWithString:]"
function toiOSObjcCall(class_name, method_name){
    const instanceCallStart = "-[" + class_name + " ";
    const classCallStart = "+[" + class_name + " ";
    var objcFuncCall = method_name.replace("- ", instanceCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall.replace("+ ", classCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall + "]";
    // console.log(class_name + " -> " + method_name + " => " + objcFuncCall);
    return objcFuncCall;

function hook_specific_method_of_class(className, funcName)
  var iOSObjCallStr = toiOSObjcCall(className, funcName)
  console.log("iOSObjCallStr=", iOSObjCallStr)
  var curClass = ObjC.classes[className];
  if (typeof(curClass) !== 'undefined') {
    var curMethod = curClass[funcName];
    if (typeof(curMethod) !== 'undefined') {

      Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
        onEnter: function(args) {
          console.log("==================== " + iOSObjCallStr + " ====================");
          // args[0] is self = id
          const argSelf = args[0];
          console.log("argSelf: ", argSelf);
          const argSelfObj = new ObjC.Object(argSelf);
          console.log("argSelfObj: ", argSelfObj);
          const argSelfClassName = argSelfObj.$className;
          console.log("argSelfClassName: ", argSelfClassName);

          // args[1] is selector
          const argSel = args[1];
          console.log("argSel: ", argSel);
          const argSelStr = ObjC.selectorAsString(argSel);
          console.log("argSelStr: ", argSelStr);

            // args[2] holds the first function argument
            const args2 = args[2];
            console.log("args2: ", args2);
            if (args2 != 0x0) {
              const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(args2);
              // const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(ptr(args2));
              console.log("args2Obj: ", args2Obj);
              const args2ObjClassName = args2Obj.$className;
              console.log("args2ObjClassName: ", args2ObjClassName);
              const args2ObjStr = args2Obj.toString();
              console.log("args2ObjStr: ", args2ObjStr);
      console.log("Can't find method", funcName);
    console.log("Can't find class: ", className);

//Your class name  and function name here
hook_specific_method_of_class("NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:")


如之前 ObjC的参数 中的计算ObjC的函数的真正参数的个数 + 打印全部参数的实例代码,加到此处,略作调整变成:

* Util Functions

/** Function that count occurrences of a substring in a string;
 * @param {String} string               The string
 * @param {String} subString            The sub string to search for
 * @param {Boolean} [allowOverlapping]  Optional. (Default:false)
 * @author Vitim.us https://gist.github.com/victornpb/7736865
 * @see Unit Test https://jsfiddle.net/Victornpb/5axuh96u/
 * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/7924240/938822
 * @example occurrences("- setExportedObject:", ":") => 1
function occurrences(string, subString, allowOverlapping) {
    // console.log("string=" + string + ",subString=" + subString + ", allowOverlapping=" + allowOverlapping)
    string += "";
    subString += "";
    if (subString.length <= 0) return (string.length + 1);

    var n = 0,
        pos = 0,
        step = allowOverlapping ? 1 : subString.length;

    while (true) {
        pos = string.indexOf(subString, pos);
        // console.log("pos=" + pos)
        if (pos >= 0) {
            pos += step;
        } else break;

    return n;

// convert from frida function call to ObjC function call
// "NSURL", "- initWithString:" => "-[NSURL initWithString:]"
function toiOSObjcCall(class_name, method_name){
    const instanceCallStart = "-[" + class_name + " ";
    const classCallStart = "+[" + class_name + " ";
    var objcFuncCall = method_name.replace("- ", instanceCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall.replace("+ ", classCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall + "]";
    // console.log(class_name + " -> " + method_name + " => " + objcFuncCall);
    return objcFuncCall;

* Frida Hook

// https://github.com/noobpk/frida-ios-hook/blob/master/frida-ios-hook/frida-scripts/hook-specific-method-of-class.js
function hook_specific_method_of_class(className, funcName)
  var iOSObjCallStr = toiOSObjcCall(className, funcName)
  console.log("iOSObjCallStr=", iOSObjCallStr)
  var curClass = ObjC.classes[className];
  if (typeof(curClass) !== 'undefined') {
    var curMethod = curClass[funcName];
    if (typeof(curMethod) !== 'undefined') {

      Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
        onEnter: function(args) {
          console.log("==================== " + iOSObjCallStr + " ====================");

          // args[0] is self = id
          const argSelf = args[0];
          console.log("argSelf: ", argSelf);
          const argSelfObj = new ObjC.Object(argSelf);
          console.log("argSelfObj: ", argSelfObj);
          const argSelfClassName = argSelfObj.$className;
          console.log("argSelfClassName: ", argSelfClassName);

          // args[1] is selector
          const argSel = args[1];
          console.log("argSel: ", argSel);
          const argSelStr = ObjC.selectorAsString(argSel);
          console.log("argSelStr: ", argSelStr);

          const argCount = occurrences(argSelStr, ":");
          console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

          // console.log("funcName=", funcName);
          // const argCount = occurrences(funcName, ":");
          // console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

          for (let curArgIdx = 0; curArgIdx < argCount; curArgIdx++) {
            const curArg = args[curArgIdx + 2];

            // const usePtr = false;
            const usePtr = true;
            if (usePtr) {
              // console.log("usePtr=", usePtr);
              const curArgPtr = ptr(curArg);
              console.log("---------- [" + curArgIdx + "] curArgPtr=" + curArgPtr);
              if (!curArgPtr.isNull()) {
                const curArgPtrObj = new ObjC.Object(curArgPtr);
                console.log("curArgPtrObj: ", curArgPtrObj);
                console.log("curArgPtrObj className: ", curArgPtrObj.$className);
                console.log("curArgPtrObj kind: ", curArgPtrObj.$kind);
            } else {
              console.log("---------- [" + curArgIdx + "] curArg=" + curArg);
              if (curArg && (curArg != 0x0)) {
                // console.log("curArg className: ", curArg.$className);
                const curArgObj = new ObjC.Object(curArg);
                console.log("curArgObj: ", curArgObj);
                console.log("curArgObj className: ", curArgObj.$className);
                console.log("curArgObj kind: ", curArgObj.$kind);

      console.log("Can't find method", funcName);
    console.log("Can't find class: ", className);

//Your class name  and function name here
hook_specific_method_of_class("NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:")


==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x1057047a0
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x1057047a0> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
argSelfClassName:  NSXPCConnection
argSel:  0x19b362b44
argSelStr:  setExportedObject:
funcName= - setExportedObject:
argCount:  1
---------- [0] curArgPtr=0x105743aa0
curArgPtrObj:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x105743aa0>
curArgPtrObj className:  AKAppleIDAuthenticationService
curArgPtrObj kind:  instance
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x1057047a0
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x1057047a0> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
argSelfClassName:  NSXPCConnection
argSel:  0x19b362b44
argSelStr:  setExportedObject:
argCount:  1
---------- [0] curArgPtr=0x0
  • 关于argCount的计算


          const argCount = occurrences(argSelStr, ":");
          console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

          // console.log("funcName=", funcName);
          // const argCount = occurrences(funcName, ":");
          // console.log("argCount: ", argCount);


          // const argCount = occurrences(argSelStr, ":");
          // console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

          console.log("funcName=", funcName);
          const argCount = occurrences(funcName, ":");
          console.log("argCount: ", argCount);


argSelStr:  setExportedObject:
argCount:  1


argSelStr:  setExportedObject:
funcName= - setExportedObject:
argCount:  1



  • 把ObjC的NSString转换成js的String
  • 然后再去用===去对比判断字符串


* Util Functions

// convert from frida function call to ObjC function call
// "NSURL", "- initWithString:" => "-[NSURL initWithString:]"
function toiOSObjcCall(class_name, method_name){
    const instanceCallStart = "-[" + class_name + " ";
    const classCallStart = "+[" + class_name + " ";
    var objcFuncCall = method_name.replace("- ", instanceCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall.replace("+ ", classCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall + "]";
    // console.log(class_name + " -> " + method_name + " => " + objcFuncCall);
    return objcFuncCall;

* Frida Hook

// https://github.com/noobpk/frida-ios-hook/blob/master/frida-ios-hook/frida-scripts/hook-specific-method-of-class.js
function hook_specific_method_of_class(className, funcName)
  var iOSObjCallStr = toiOSObjcCall(className, funcName)
  console.log("iOSObjCallStr=", iOSObjCallStr)
  var curClass = ObjC.classes[className];
  if (typeof(curClass) !== 'undefined') {
    var curMethod = curClass[funcName];
    if (typeof(curMethod) !== 'undefined') {

      Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
        onEnter: function(args) {
          console.log("==================== " + iOSObjCallStr + " ====================");

          // args[0] is self = id
          const argSelf = args[0];
          console.log("argSelf: ", argSelf);
          const argSelfObj = new ObjC.Object(argSelf);
          console.log("argSelfObj: ", argSelfObj);
          const argSelfClassName = argSelfObj.$className;
          console.log("argSelfClassName: ", argSelfClassName);

          const connnServiceNameNSStr = argSelfObj.serviceName();
          const connnServiceNameJsStr = connnServiceNameNSStr.UTF8String()

          // args[1] is selector
          const argSel = args[1];
          console.log("argSel: ", argSel);
          const argSelStr = ObjC.selectorAsString(argSel);
          console.log("argSelStr: ", argSelStr);

          if (connnServiceNameJsStr === "com.apple.ak.auth.xpc") {
            console.log("connnServiceNameNSStr: ", connnServiceNameNSStr);
            console.log("connnServiceNameJsStr: ", connnServiceNameJsStr);

            // args[2] holds the first function argument
            const args2 = args[2];
            console.log("args2: ", args2);
            if (args2 != 0x0) {
              const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(args2);
              // const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(ptr(args2));
              console.log("args2Obj: ", args2Obj);
              const args2ObjClassName = args2Obj.$className;
              console.log("args2ObjClassName: ", args2ObjClassName);
              const args2ObjStr = args2Obj.toString();
              console.log("args2ObjStr: ", args2ObjStr);


      console.log("Can't find method", funcName);
    console.log("Can't find class: ", className);

//Your class name  and function name here
hook_specific_method_of_class("NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:")


==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x1057047a0
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x1057047a0> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
argSelfClassName:  NSXPCConnection
argSel:  0x19b362b44
argSelStr:  setExportedObject:
argCount:  1
connnServiceNameNSStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
connnServiceNameJsStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
args2:  0x105743aa0
args2Obj:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x105743aa0>
args2ObjClassName:  AKAppleIDAuthenticationService
args2ObjStr:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x105743aa0>
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x1057047a0
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x1057047a0> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
argSelfClassName:  NSXPCConnection
argSel:  0x19b362b44
argSelStr:  setExportedObject:
argCount:  1
connnServiceNameNSStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
connnServiceNameJsStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
args2:  0x0



==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x102d35b60
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x102d35b60> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.anisette.xpc
connnServiceName:  com.apple.ak.anisette.xpc
argSelfClassName:  NSXPCConnection
args2:  0x0

==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x102d34e00
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x102d34e00> connection from pid 31901 on mach service named com.apple.ak.authorizationservices.xpc
connnServiceName:  com.apple.ak.authorizationservices.xpc
argSelfClassName:  NSXPCConnection
args2:  0x102d513c0
args2Obj:  <AKAuthorizationDaemonService: 0x102d513c0>
args2ObjClassName:  AKAuthorizationDaemonService
args2ObjStr:  <AKAuthorizationDaemonService: 0x102d513c0>

==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelf:  0x102d35a30
argSelfObj:  <ACTrackedXPCConnection: 0x102d35a30> connection to service with pid 104 named com.apple.accountsd.accountmanager
connnServiceName:  com.apple.accountsd.accountmanager
argSelfClassName:  ACTrackedXPCConnection
args2:  0x0



* Util Functions

/** Function that count occurrences of a substring in a string;
 * @param {String} string               The string
 * @param {String} subString            The sub string to search for
 * @param {Boolean} [allowOverlapping]  Optional. (Default:false)
 * @author Vitim.us https://gist.github.com/victornpb/7736865
 * @see Unit Test https://jsfiddle.net/Victornpb/5axuh96u/
 * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/7924240/938822
 * @example occurrences("- setExportedObject:", ":") => 1
function occurrences(string, subString, allowOverlapping) {
    // console.log("string=" + string + ",subString=" + subString + ", allowOverlapping=" + allowOverlapping)
    string += "";
    subString += "";
    if (subString.length <= 0) return (string.length + 1);

    var n = 0,
        pos = 0,
        step = allowOverlapping ? 1 : subString.length;

    while (true) {
        pos = string.indexOf(subString, pos);
        // console.log("pos=" + pos)
        if (pos >= 0) {
            pos += step;
        } else break;

    return n;

// convert from frida function call to ObjC function call
// "NSURL", "- initWithString:" => "-[NSURL initWithString:]"
function toiOSObjcCall(class_name, method_name){
    const instanceCallStart = "-[" + class_name + " ";
    const classCallStart = "+[" + class_name + " ";
    var objcFuncCall = method_name.replace("- ", instanceCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall.replace("+ ", classCallStart);
    objcFuncCall = objcFuncCall + "]";
    // console.log(class_name + " -> " + method_name + " => " + objcFuncCall);
    return objcFuncCall;

// convert from ObjC function call to frida function call
// "-[NSURL initWithString:]" => ["NSURL", "- initWithString:"]
function toFridaObjcCall(fridaObjcCallStr){
    // console.log("fridaObjcCallStr=" + fridaObjcCallStr)
    const funcCallP = /^([+-])\[(\w+)\s+([\w:]+)\]$/
    // console.log("funcCallP=" + funcCallP)
    const funcCallMatch = fridaObjcCallStr.match(funcCallP)
    // console.log("funcCallMatch=" + funcCallMatch)
    const objcFuncTypeChar = funcCallMatch[1]
    const objcClassName = funcCallMatch[2]
    const objcFuncName = funcCallMatch[3]
    const fridaFuncCallList = [objcClassName, objcFuncTypeChar + " " + objcFuncName]
    // console.log("fridaFuncCallList=" + fridaFuncCallList)
    return fridaFuncCallList

// NSString instance -> js string
function nsStrToJsStr(curNsStr){
  // method 1
  return curNsStr.UTF8String()
  // // method 2:
  // const NSUTF8StringEncoding = 4;
  // https://developer.apple.com/documentation/foundation/nsstring/1408489-cstringusingencoding?language=objc
  // return curNsStr.cStringUsingEncoding_(NSUTF8StringEncoding)

* Frida Hook

// Note: Another write type for for sure can found class and method
// const curMethod = ObjC.classes.NSXPCConnection["- setExportedObject:"];
// console.log("curMethod: ", curMethod);
// const iOSObjCallStr = "-[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:]";

// https://github.com/noobpk/frida-ios-hook/blob/master/frida-ios-hook/frida-scripts/hook-specific-method-of-class.js
function hook_specific_method_of_class(className, funcName)
  // var iOSObjCallStr = "className=" + className + ", funcName=" + funcName
  var iOSObjCallStr = toiOSObjcCall(className, funcName)
  console.log("iOSObjCallStr=", iOSObjCallStr)
  var curClass = ObjC.classes[className];
  if (typeof(curClass) !== 'undefined') {
    var curMethod = curClass[funcName];
    if (typeof(curMethod) !== 'undefined') {

      Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
        onEnter: function(args) {
          console.log("==================== " + iOSObjCallStr + " ====================");
          // console.log("argSelf=" + args[0] + ", argSel=" + args[1] + ", realArg1=" + args[2]);

          // args[0] is self = id
          const argSelf = args[0];
          // console.log("argSelf: ", argSelf);
          const argSelfObj = new ObjC.Object(argSelf);
          console.log("argSelfObj: ", argSelfObj);
          const argSelfClassName = argSelfObj.$className;
          // console.log("argSelfClassName: ", argSelfClassName);

          const connnServiceNameNSStr = argSelfObj.serviceName();
          // const connnServiceNameJsStr = connnServiceNameNSStr.UTF8String()
          const connnServiceNameJsStr = nsStrToJsStr(connnServiceNameNSStr)

          // // args[1] is selector
          // const argSel = args[1];
          // console.log("argSel: ", argSel);
          // const argSelStr = ObjC.selectorAsString(argSel);
          // console.log("argSelStr: ", argSelStr);

          // const argCount = occurrences(argSelStr, ":");
          // console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

          // console.log("funcName=", funcName);
          // const argCount = occurrences(funcName, ":");
          // console.log("argCount: ", argCount);

          if (connnServiceNameJsStr === "com.apple.ak.auth.xpc") {
            // console.log("connnServiceNameNSStr: ", connnServiceNameNSStr);
            console.log("connnServiceNameJsStr: ", connnServiceNameJsStr);

            // args[2] holds the first function argument
            const args2 = args[2];
            console.log("args2: ", args2);
            if (args2 != 0x0) {
              const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(args2);
              // const args2Obj = new ObjC.Object(ptr(args2));
              console.log("args2Obj: ", args2Obj);
              const args2ObjClassName = args2Obj.$className;
              console.log("args2ObjClassName: ", args2ObjClassName);
              const args2ObjStr = args2Obj.toString();
              console.log("args2ObjStr: ", args2ObjStr);


          // // debug: output all function real parameters
          // for (let curArgIdx = 0; curArgIdx < argCount; curArgIdx++) {
          //   const curArg = args[curArgIdx + 2];

          //   // const usePtr = false;
          //   const usePtr = true;
          //   if (usePtr) {
          //     // console.log("usePtr=", usePtr);
          //     const curArgPtr = ptr(curArg);
          //     console.log("---------- [" + curArgIdx + "] curArgPtr=" + curArgPtr);
          //     if (!curArgPtr.isNull()) {
          //       const curArgPtrObj = new ObjC.Object(curArgPtr);
          //       console.log("curArgPtrObj: ", curArgPtrObj);
          //       console.log("curArgPtrObj className: ", curArgPtrObj.$className);
          //       console.log("curArgPtrObj kind: ", curArgPtrObj.$kind);
          //     }
          //   } else {
          //     console.log("---------- [" + curArgIdx + "] curArg=" + curArg);
          //     if (curArg && (curArg != 0x0)) {
          //       // console.log("curArg className: ", curArg.$className);
          //       const curArgObj = new ObjC.Object(curArg);
          //       console.log("curArgObj: ", curArgObj);
          //       console.log("curArgObj className: ", curArgObj.$className);
          //       console.log("curArgObj kind: ", curArgObj.$kind);
          //     }
          //   }
          // }

      console.log("Can't find method", funcName);
    console.log("Can't find class: ", className);

//Your class name  and function name here
hook_specific_method_of_class("NSXPCConnection", "- setExportedObject:")


==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x105711f20> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
connnServiceNameJsStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
args2:  0x10572c200
args2Obj:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x10572c200>
args2ObjClassName:  AKAppleIDAuthenticationService
args2ObjStr:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x10572c200>
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x105711f20> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
connnServiceNameJsStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
args2:  0x0
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelfObj:  <NSXPCConnection: 0x10291a0d0> connection from pid 46847 on mach service named com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
connnServiceNameJsStr:  com.apple.ak.auth.xpc
args2:  0x10273cb50
args2Obj:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x10273cb50>
args2ObjClassName:  AKAppleIDAuthenticationService
args2ObjStr:  <AKAppleIDAuthenticationService: 0x10273cb50>
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelfObj:  <ACTrackedXPCConnection: 0x102711470> connection to service named com.apple.accountsd.accountmanager
==================== -[NSXPCConnection setExportedObject:] ====================
argSelfObj:  <ACTrackedXPCConnection: 0x102711470> connection to service with pid 104 named com.apple.accountsd.accountmanager


results matching ""

    No results matching ""