

  • 地址版本 = 精简版:printFunctionCallStack_addr
    • 解释:(尤其是对于自己的二进制)只能输出地址,无法输出完整精确的符号名
      • 优点:代码简洁
      • 缺点:只有地址,没有符号,不够用
  • 符号版本 = 详细版:printFunctionCallStack_symbol


function printFunctionCallStack_addr(curContext){
    console.log('Stack:\n' +
        Thread.backtrace(curContext, Backtracer.ACCURATE)
        .map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress).join('\n') + '\n');


Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
  onEnter: function(args) {


0x109afd910 SharedModules!WAGetWCIHttpImpl
0x106a14cb4 !0x2304cb4 (0x102304cb4)
0x1062e9ff4 !0x1bd9ff4 (0x101bd9ff4)
0x1062e9f80 !0x1bd9f80 (0x101bd9f80)
0x1069da1fc !0x22ca1fc (0x1022ca1fc)
0x1069d9ee4 !0x22c9ee4 (0x1022c9ee4)
0x1069d16a8 !0x22c16a8 (0x1022c16a8)
0x1952e99ac UIKitCore!-[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:]
0x194d1ffbc UIKitCore!-[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:]
0x194d20320 UIKitCore!-[UIControl _sendActionsForEvents:withEvent:]
0x194d1f33c UIKitCore!-[UIControl touchesEnded:withEvent:]
0x195323050 UIKitCore!-[UIWindow _sendTouchesForEvent:]
0x195324390 UIKitCore!-[UIWindow sendEvent:]
0x195300a9c UIKitCore!-[UIApplication sendEvent:]
0x1061487b8 !0x1a387b8 (0x101a387b8)
0x195378c20 UIKitCore!__dispatchPreprocessedEventFromEventQueue



 * Config && Settings

// Print Function Stack Call
let isUseCache = true

// print only once stack for every function
let isPrintOnlyOnceStack = true

let cfgPrintOnceStackExceptionList = [
    "+[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:]",

 * Global Variables

var gPrintedStackDict = {}

var gAddrToModuleInfoDict = {}
var gModulePathToSlideDict = {}
var gModulePathToClassesDict = {}
var gModulePathAddrToSymbolDict = {}
var gClassnameToAllMethodsDict = {}

var free = null
var objc_getClass = null
var class_copyMethodList = null
var objc_getMetaClass = null
var method_getName = null
var dladdr = null
var _dyld_image_count = null
var _dyld_get_image_name = null
var _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide = null
var objc_copyClassNamesForImage = null

/******************** iOS Common Lib Functions ********************/

function initCommonLibFunctions(){
    console.log("Init common functions in common libs:")

    // free
    free = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'free'),
    console.log("free=" + free)

    objc_getClass = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'objc_getClass'),
    console.log("objc_getClass=" + objc_getClass)

    class_copyMethodList = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'class_copyMethodList'),
        ['pointer', 'pointer']
    console.log("class_copyMethodList=" + class_copyMethodList)

    objc_getMetaClass = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'objc_getMetaClass'),
    console.log("objc_getMetaClass=" + objc_getMetaClass)

    method_getName = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'method_getName'),
    console.log("method_getName=" + method_getName)

    int dladdr(const void *, Dl_info *);

    typedef struct dl_info {
                    const char      *dli_fname;     // Pathname of shared object
                    void            *dli_fbase;     // Base address of shared object
                    const char      *dli_sname;     // Name of nearest symbol
                    void            *dli_saddr;     // Address of nearest symbol
    } Dl_info;

    dladdr = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'dladdr'),
    console.log("dladdr=" + dladdr)

    // uint32_t  _dyld_image_count(void)
    _dyld_image_count = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, '_dyld_image_count'),
    console.log("_dyld_image_count=" + _dyld_image_count)

    // const char*  _dyld_get_image_name(uint32_t image_index) 
    _dyld_get_image_name = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, '_dyld_get_image_name'),
    console.log("_dyld_get_image_name=" + _dyld_get_image_name)

    // intptr_t   _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(uint32_t image_index)
    _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, '_dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide'),
    console.log("_dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide=" + _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide)

    // const char * objc_copyClassNamesForImage(const char *image, unsigned int *outCount)
    objc_copyClassNamesForImage = new NativeFunction(
        Module.findExportByName(null, 'objc_copyClassNamesForImage'),
        ['pointer', 'pointer']
    console.log("objc_copyClassNamesForImage=" + objc_copyClassNamesForImage)


// xia0 log
function XLOG(log) {
    console.log("[*] " + log)

// format string with width
function format(str,width){    
    str = str + ""
    var len = str.length;

    if(len > width){
            return str

    for(var i = 0; i < width-len; i++){
            str += " "
    return str

function getExecFileName(modulePath){
    modulePath += ""
    return modulePath.split("/").pop()

// get module info from address
function get_info_form_address(address){
    var moduleInfoDict = null
    var needAddToCache = false

    if (isUseCache){
        if (address in gAddrToModuleInfoDict){
            moduleInfoDict = gAddrToModuleInfoDict[address]
            // XLOG("Found: address=" + address + " in gAddrToModuleInfoDict, moduleInfoDict=" + toJsonStr(moduleInfoDict))
            return moduleInfoDict
        } else {
            needAddToCache = true

    var dl_info = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize*4);

    dladdr(ptr(address), dl_info)

    var dli_fname = Memory.readCString(Memory.readPointer(dl_info))
    var dli_fbase = Memory.readPointer(dl_info.add(Process.pointerSize))
    var dli_sname = Memory.readCString(Memory.readPointer(dl_info.add(Process.pointerSize*2)))
    var dli_saddr = Memory.readPointer(dl_info.add(Process.pointerSize*3))


    // var addrInfo = new Array();

    // addrInfo.push(dli_fname);
    // addrInfo.push(dli_fbase);
    // addrInfo.push(dli_sname);
    // addrInfo.push(dli_saddr);

    // //XLOG(addrInfo)
    // return addrInfo;

    moduleInfoDict = {
        "fileName": dli_fname,
        "fileAddress": dli_fbase,
        "symbolName": dli_sname,
        "symbolAddress": dli_saddr,

    if (needAddToCache){
        // XLOG("Add: address=" + address + ", moduleInfoDict=" + toJsonStr(moduleInfoDict) + " into cache gAddrToModuleInfoDict")
        gAddrToModuleInfoDict[address] = moduleInfoDict

    return moduleInfoDict

function get_image_vm_slide(modulePath){
    var moduleSlide = 0

    var needAddToCache = false

    if (isUseCache){
        if (modulePath in gModulePathToSlideDict){
            moduleSlide = gModulePathToSlideDict[modulePath]
            // XLOG("Found: modulePath=" + modulePath + " in gModulePathToSlideDict, moduleSlide=" + moduleSlide)
            return moduleSlide
        } else {
            needAddToCache = true

    var image_count = _dyld_image_count()

    for (var i = 0; i < image_count; i++) {
            var image_name_ptr = _dyld_get_image_name(i)
            var image_silde_ptr = _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide(i)
            var image_name = Memory.readUtf8String(image_name_ptr)

            if (image_name == modulePath) {
                    //XLOG(Memory.readUtf8String(image_name_ptr) + " slide:"+image_silde_ptr)
                    // return image_silde_ptr
                    moduleSlide = image_silde_ptr
            //XLOG(Memory.readUtf8String(image_name_ptr) + "slide:"+image_silde_ptr)

    // return 0

    if (needAddToCache){
        // XLOG("Add: modulePath=" + modulePath + ", moduleSlide=" + moduleSlide + " into cache gModulePathToSlideDict")
        gModulePathToSlideDict[modulePath] = moduleSlide

    return moduleSlide

function get_all_objc_class(modulePath){
    var classes = new Array()

    var needAddToCache = false

    if (isUseCache){
        if (modulePath in gModulePathToClassesDict){
            classes = gModulePathToClassesDict[modulePath]
            // XLOG("Found: modulePath=" + modulePath + " in gModulePathToClassesDict, classes=" + classes)
            // XLOG("Found: modulePath=" + modulePath + " in gModulePathToClassesDict, classes.length=" + classes.length)
            return classes
        } else {
            needAddToCache = true

    // if given modulePath nil, default is mainBundle
        var path = ObjC.classes.NSBundle.mainBundle().executablePath().UTF8String()
        var path = modulePath

    // create args
    var pPath = Memory.allocUtf8String(path)
    var p = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize)
    Memory.writeUInt(p, 0)

    var pClasses = objc_copyClassNamesForImage(pPath, p)
    var count = Memory.readUInt(p)
    classes = new Array(count)

    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            var pClassName = Memory.readPointer(pClasses.add(i * Process.pointerSize))
            classes[i] = Memory.readUtf8String(pClassName)


    if (needAddToCache){
        // XLOG("Add: modulePath=" + modulePath + ", classes=" + classes + " into cache gModulePathToClassesDict")
        // XLOG("Add: modulePath=" + modulePath + ", classes.length=" + classes.length + " into cache gModulePathToClassesDict")
        gModulePathToClassesDict[modulePath] = classes

    // XLOG(classes)
    return classes

function get_all_class_methods(classname){
    var allMethods = new Array()

    var needAddToCache = false

    if (isUseCache){
        if (classname in gClassnameToAllMethodsDict){
            allMethods = gClassnameToAllMethodsDict[classname]
            // XLOG("Found: classname=" + classname + " in gClassnameToAllMethodsDict, allMethods=" + toJsonStr(allMethods))
            // XLOG("Found: classname=" + classname + " in gClassnameToAllMethodsDict, allMethods.length=" + allMethods.length)
            return allMethods
        } else {
            needAddToCache = true

    // get objclass and metaclass
    var name = Memory.allocUtf8String(classname)
    var objClass = objc_getClass(name)
    var metaClass = objc_getMetaClass(name)

    // get obj class all methods
    var size_ptr = Memory.alloc(Process.pointerSize)
    Memory.writeUInt(size_ptr, 0)
    var pObjMethods = class_copyMethodList(objClass, size_ptr)
    var count = Memory.readUInt(size_ptr)

    var allObjMethods = new Array()

    // get obj class all methods name and IMP
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        var curObjMethod = new Array()
        var pObjMethodSEL = method_getName(pObjMethods.add(i * Process.pointerSize))
        var pObjMethodName = Memory.readCString(Memory.readPointer(pObjMethodSEL))
        var objMethodIMP = Memory.readPointer(pObjMethodSEL.add(2*Process.pointerSize))
        // XLOG("-["+classname+ " " + pObjMethodName+"]" + ":" + objMethodIMP)

    var allMetaMethods = new Array()

    // get meta class all methods name and IMP
    var pMetaMethods = class_copyMethodList(metaClass, size_ptr)
    var count = Memory.readUInt(size_ptr)
    for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        var curMetaMethod = new Array()

        var pMetaMethodSEL = method_getName(pMetaMethods.add(i * Process.pointerSize))
        var pMetaMethodName = Memory.readCString(Memory.readPointer(pMetaMethodSEL))
        var metaMethodIMP = Memory.readPointer(pMetaMethodSEL.add(2*Process.pointerSize))
        //XLOG("+["+classname+ " " + pMetaMethodName+"]" + ":" + metaMethodIMP)



    if (needAddToCache){
        // XLOG("Add: classname=" + classname + ", allMethods=" + toJsonStr(allMethods) + " into cache gClassnameToAllMethodsDict")
        // XLOG("Add: classname=" + classname + ", allMethods.length=" + allMethods.length + " into cache gClassnameToAllMethodsDict")
        gClassnameToAllMethodsDict[classname] = allMethods

    return allMethods

function find_symbol_from_address(modulePath, addr){
    var symbol = "???"
    var modulePathAddr = modulePath + "|" + addr

    var needAddToCache = false

    if (isUseCache){
        if (modulePathAddr in gModulePathAddrToSymbolDict){
            symbol = gModulePathAddrToSymbolDict[modulePathAddr]
            // XLOG("Found: modulePathAddr=" + modulePathAddr + " in gModulePathAddrToSymbolDict, symbol=" + symbol)
            return symbol
        } else {
            needAddToCache = true

    var frameAddr = addr
    var theDis = 0xffffffffffffffff
    var tmpDis = 0
    var theClass = "None"
    var theMethodName = "None"
    var theMethodType = "-"
    var theMethodIMP = 0

    var allClassInfo = {}

    var allClass = get_all_objc_class(modulePath)

    for(var i = 0, len = allClass.length; i < len; i++){
        var curClassName = allClass[i]
        // var mInfo = get_all_class_method(curClassName)
        var mInfo = get_all_class_methods(curClassName)

        var objms = mInfo[0]
        for(var j = 0, olen = objms.length; j < olen; j++){
            var mname = objms[j][0]
            var mIMP = objms[j][1]
            if(frameAddr >= mIMP){
                var tmpDis = frameAddr-mIMP
                if(tmpDis < theDis){
                    theDis = tmpDis
                    theClass = curClassName
                    theMethodName = mname
                    theMethodIMP = mIMP
                    theMethodType = "-"

        var metams = mInfo[1]
        for(var k = 0, mlen = metams.length; k < mlen; k++){
            var mname = metams[k][0]
            var mIMP = metams[k][1]
            if(frameAddr >= mIMP){
                var tmpDis = frameAddr-mIMP
                if(tmpDis < theDis){
                    theDis = tmpDis
                    theClass = curClassName
                    theMethodName = mname
                    theMethodIMP = mIMP
                    theMethodType = "+"

    symbol = theMethodType+"["+theClass+" "+theMethodName+"]"

    if(symbol.indexOf(".cxx") != -1){
            symbol = "maybe C function?"

    // if distance > 3000, maybe a c function
    if(theDis > 3000){
            symbol = "maybe C function? symbol:" + symbol

    if (needAddToCache){
        // XLOG("Add: modulePathAddr=" + modulePathAddr + ", symbol=" + symbol + " into cache gModulePathAddrToSymbolDict")
        gModulePathAddrToSymbolDict[modulePathAddr] = symbol

    return symbol

function generateFunctionCallStackList(context){
    var functionCallList = new Array()

    var mainPath = ObjC.classes.NSBundle.mainBundle().executablePath().UTF8String()
    // XLOG("mainPath=" + mainPath)
    var mainModuleName = getExecFileName(mainPath)
    // XLOG("mainModuleName=" + mainModuleName)

    var backtrace = Thread.backtrace(context, Backtracer.ACCURATE).map(DebugSymbol.fromAddress)
    for (var i = 0;i < backtrace.length;i ++)
        // curStackFrame=0x10a1d1910 SharedModules!WAGetWCIHttpImpl
        // curStackFrame=0x1070f0cb4 !0x2304cb4 (0x102304cb4)
        // curStackFrame=0x1944a9614 /System/Library/Frameworks/CFNetwork.framework/CFNetwork!+[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:]
        var curStackFrame = backtrace[i] + ''
        // XLOG("curStackFrame=" + curStackFrame)

        // var curSym = curStackFrame.split("!")[1]
        var stackFrameSplittedArr = curStackFrame.split("!")
        var curAddrAndModuleStr = stackFrameSplittedArr[0]
        // XLOG("curAddrAndModuleStr=" + curAddrAndModuleStr)
        var curSym = stackFrameSplittedArr[1]
        // XLOG("curSym=" + curSym)

        // var curAddr = curStackFrame.split("!")[0].split(" ")[0]
        var curAddrAndModuleArr = curAddrAndModuleStr.split(" ")
        // XLOG("curAddrAndModuleArr=" + curAddrAndModuleArr)
        var curAddr = curAddrAndModuleArr[0]
        // XLOG("curAddr=" + curAddr)
        // var curModuleName = curStackFrame.split("!")[0].split(" ")[1]
        var curModuleName = curAddrAndModuleArr[1]
        // XLOG("curModuleName=" + curModuleName)

        var moduleInfoDict = get_info_form_address(curAddr);
        // XLOG("moduleInfoDict=" + toJsonStr(moduleInfoDict))

        var curModulePath = moduleInfoDict["fileName"]
        // XLOG("curModulePath=" + curModulePath)
        var fileAddress = moduleInfoDict["fileAddress"]
        // XLOG("fileAddress=" + fileAddress)
        var symbolName = moduleInfoDict["symbolName"]
        // XLOG("symbolName=" + symbolName)
        var symbolAddress = moduleInfoDict["symbolAddress"]
        // XLOG("symbolAddress=" + symbolAddress)

        // skip frida call stack
            XLOG("! Omit for empty module path, parsed from curAddr=" + curAddr + ", moduleInfoDict=" + moduleInfoDict)

        // var fileAddr = curAddr - get_image_vm_slide(curModulePath);
        var curModuleSlide = get_image_vm_slide(curModulePath)
        // XLOG("curModuleSlide=" + curModuleSlide)
        var fileAddr = curAddr - curModuleSlide
        // XLOG("fileAddr=" + fileAddr)

        // is the image in app dir?
        if (curModulePath.indexOf(mainModuleName) != -1 ) {
            curSym = find_symbol_from_address(curModulePath, curAddr)
            // XLOG("new curSym=" + curSym)

        var curFunctionCallDict = {
            "curModulePath": curModulePath,
            "curAddr": curAddr,
            "fileAddr": fileAddr,
            "curSym": curSym,

    return functionCallList

function generateFunctionCallStackStr(functionCallList){
    var functionCallStackStr = "------------------------ printFunctionCallStack_symbol  ------------------------"
    functionCallStackStr += "\n"
    for (var i = 0;i < functionCallList.length; i++){
        var curFunctionCallDict = functionCallList[i]
        var curModulePath = curFunctionCallDict["curModulePath"]
        var curAddr = curFunctionCallDict["curAddr"]
        var fileAddr = curFunctionCallDict["fileAddr"]
        var curSym = curFunctionCallDict["curSym"]
        var executableFilename = getExecFileName(curModulePath)
        let execMaxWidth = 20
        // let execMaxWidth = 25
        var curFuncCallStr = format(i, 4)+format(executableFilename, execMaxWidth)+"mem:"+format(ptr(curAddr),13)+"file:"+format(ptr(fileAddr),13)+format(curSym,80)
        functionCallStackStr += curFuncCallStr + "\n"
    functionCallStackStr += "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
    return functionCallStackStr

function printFunctionCallStack_symbol(context){
    var functionCallStackList = generateFunctionCallStackList(context)
    var functionCallStackStr = generateFunctionCallStackStr(functionCallStackList)
    return functionCallStackStr


 * Main


                Interceptor.attach(curMethod.implementation, {
                    onEnter: function(args) {
                        // console.log("==================== [*] Detected call to: " + iOSObjCallStr);
                        var logstr = "Called: " + iOSObjCallStr
                        var lineStr = generateLineStr(logstr)

                        var shouldPrintStack = true
                        if (iOSObjCallStr in gPrintedStackDict){
                            // console.log("iOSObjCallStr=" + iOSObjCallStr + " in gPrintedStackDict=" + toJsonStr(gPrintedStackDict.keys))
                            if (isPrintOnlyOnceStack){
                                // if (iOSObjCallStr in cfgPrintOnceStackExceptionList){
                                if (isItemInList(iOSObjCallStr, cfgPrintOnceStackExceptionList)){
                                    // console.log("iOSObjCallStr=" + iOSObjCallStr + " in cfgPrintOnceStackExceptionList=" + toJsonStr(cfgPrintOnceStackExceptionList))
                                    shouldPrintStack = true
                                } else {
                                    shouldPrintStack = false

                        // console.log("shouldPrintStack=" + shouldPrintStack)

                        if (shouldPrintStack) {
                            // printFunctionCallStack_addr(this.context)

                            // printFunctionCallStack_symbol(this.context)
                            var functionCallStackList = generateFunctionCallStackList(this.context)
                            var functionCallStackStr = generateFunctionCallStackStr(functionCallStackList)

                            gPrintedStackDict[iOSObjCallStr] = functionCallStackStr


======================================= Called: +[NSURLRequest requestWithURL:]  =======================================
------------------------ printFunctionCallStack_symbol  ------------------------
0   SharedModules       mem:0x1072fd910  file:0xc29910     +[WACertPinning sharedPinnedWhatsAppCertificateWithoutDomainValidation]
1   WhatsApp            mem:0x104584cb4  file:0x102304cb4  +[WARegistrationURLBuilder preChatdABPropURLRequestWithPhoneNumber:abHash:]
2   WhatsApp            mem:0x10458befc  file:0x10230befc  -[WARegistrationManager requestPreChatdABPropsForPhoneNumber:userContext:completion:]
3   WhatsApp            mem:0x1045876a0  file:0x1023076a0  -[WARegistrationManager performSameDeviceCheckForSession:updateRegistrationTokenIfNecessary:fetchPreChatdABProps:withCompletion:]
4   WhatsApp            mem:0x10455c220  file:0x1022dc220  -[WAPhoneInputViewController performDeviceCheckForPhoneNumber:session:isFirstCheck:]
5   WhatsApp            mem:0x10455bff8  file:0x1022dbff8  -[WAPhoneInputViewController performSameDeviceCheckForPhoneNumber:]
6   WhatsApp            mem:0x10455f658  file:0x1022df658  maybe C function?
7   WhatsApp            mem:0x10453e038  file:0x1022be038  +[WATwoFactorWipeToken tokenFromResponseDictionary:]
8   WhatsApp            mem:0x10455e834  file:0x1022de834  -[WAPhoneInputViewController doneWithVideo:]
9   WhatsApp            mem:0x10455f758  file:0x1022df758  maybe C function?
10  SharedModules       mem:0x106a775b0  file:0x3a35b0     -[WDSButtonConfiguration setDidTap:]
11  SharedModules       mem:0x106b451e8  file:0x4711e8     +[WDSViewCallback callback:]
12  SharedModules       mem:0x106aacb84  file:0x3d8b84     -[_TtCC15UILibraryShared6Button12NativeButton intrinsicContentSize]
13  SharedModules       mem:0x106aacbc0  file:0x3d8bc0     -[_TtCC15UILibraryShared6Button12NativeButton didTap]
14  UIKitCore           mem:0x1c14b99ac  file:0x1845199ac  -[UIApplication sendAction:to:from:forEvent:]
15  UIKitCore           mem:0x1c0eeffbc  file:0x183f4ffbc  -[UIControl sendAction:to:forEvent:]
argCount:  1
---------------- [0] curArgPtr=0x283c61e00  ----------------
curArgPtrObj: className= NSURL, value=
  • 截图
      • frida_ios_call_stack_symbol
      • frida_js_ios_callstack_detail_example

results matching ""

    No results matching ""